Calendário de eventos
XXXI Reunião Anual dos Dermatologistas Latinoamericanos.
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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of the Local Organising Committee and the Turkish Society of Dermatology, we are delighted to invite you to Istanbul to participate in the 22nd EADV Congress that will be held from 3-6 October, 2013.
After the successful 5th EADV Spring Symposium in 2008, it is now a great pleasure to welcome you back to Istanbul, one of the most attractive, historical cities in the world. Istanbul is the city that bridges Europe and Asia, which you will be able to observe through the windows of the Congress Venue ICC. The new Congress venue is in the heart of the city and there are many hotels within walking distance.
The 22nd EADV Congress will be run under the theme of “Dermatovenereology in a changing world”. In the industrially as well as socially changing world, dermatovenereology is becoming more and more popular. The latest developmental efforts within industry have provided us with new drugs and modalities that facilitate both the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. Moreover, these developments have led to great improvements especially in cosmetic dermatology. Both in our country and in many others, dermatovenereology has become a popular area of medical expertise and the leading choice of young doctors, which further increases the medical as well as societal impact of dermatology in this new era.
Thanks to the great efforts of the EADV’s Scientific Programming Committee and the Local Scientific Committee, an outstanding programme is now ready that covers many fields of dermatology and its interesting, recent developments. We believe that our meeting will present high level scientific knowledge with the contribution of leading dermatologists and many specialists who are experts in their fields.
We are looking forward to welcoming dermatologists from all over the world to Istanbul to witness an unforgettable scientific event and feel the fascinating atmosphere of this metropolis.
É com grande satisfação que lançamos oficialmente o I Congresso Latino Americano de Dermatoscopia. Idéia originada no Capítulo de Dermatoscopia do Colégio Ibero-latino Americano de Dermatologia (CILAD) que teremos a honra de organizar no Brasil a primeira edição.
Contando com o apoio da Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia (SBD), da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Dermatológica (SBCD), do Grupo Brasileiro de Melanoma (GBM) e do Núcleo de Câncer da Pele do Hospital A.C. Camargo, trabalharemos para elaborar uma programação científica inovadora e de excelência, contemplando todos os campos de aplicação da Dermatoscopia, com a presença de expoentes da dermatoscopia mundial e latino-americana.
Convidamos todos à participarem !
Francisco M. Paschoal
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to Delhi, India for XI World Congress of International Society of Dermatology at Delhi, India on Dec 4-7, 2013. The conference is hosted by Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL) and we have more than 7000 dermatologists as members. India is an ancient civilisation known for hospitality, yoga and nonviolence. India has made tremendous progress since independence especially in last two decades and it has emerged with flying colours from global economic crisis. The medical facilities have been developed to keep pace with growing population. Dermatology has made a landmark progress and is one of the most wanted specialisation by medical graduates.
Delhi is the bustling capital of India with excellent roads, metro, shopping malls and many historical sites. Delhi has both budget and luxury hotels. There is large variety of international food, Indian cuisine and exotic spices suitable for all tastes. Delhi has many places to visit in addition to Taj Mahal at Agra and grand forts at pink city Jaipur. Delhi also provides access to mountains of Himalayan range and forests. You can hunt for souvenirs and bargains in many markets of Delhi.
Looking forward to see you at the conference at Delhi.
Vinod Kumar Sharma
XI International Congress of Dermatology
Professor and Chairman, Dermatology and Venereology,
AIIMS, New Delhi, India
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